by Tom Fenton | Dec 20, 2020 | PowerCLI, PowerShell, Tips, VMware
This morning I need to list what clusters were on my vCenter Server. I created the PowerCLI one liner to list them out. get-vmhost | Select Name, @{N=”Cluster”;E={Get-Cluster -VMHost $_}},@{N=”Datacenter”;E={Get-Datacenter -VMHost $_}} | Format-Table...
by Tom Fenton | Nov 17, 2020 | PowerShell, Tips
The other day I had to install PowerCLI on a new system. Below is how I did this from PowerShell. open PowerShell as an administrator and enter the following commands Find-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser...
by Tom Fenton | Nov 17, 2020 | PowerShell, Tips
The other day I had a drive go out on me. When a drive is lost the VMs will still be shown in the vSphere client, but they will be marked as inaccessible. I created the following PowerCLI script to list all the VMs marked as inaccessible so I could go back and...
by Tom Fenton | Nov 13, 2020 | PowerShell, Tips
To to list all the Applications on a Windows system run the following PowerShell command Get-ItemProperty HKLM:SoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Sort-Object DisplayName |...
by Tom Fenton | Sep 20, 2017 | Linux, PowerShell, virtualization and cloud review, WSL
Microsoft Ignite is a must-attend conference for IT professionals as it covers the full spectrum of Microsoft products, and offers insight from both a forward-looking visionary and immediate impact perspective. In this article I wrote prior to attending Ignite 2017, I...